DSS Governance
In the last post, I mentioned I had been looking at the issue of governance and DSS. In fact, this is something I've been thinking about since a student asked in a lecture if there was anything on data warehouse governance a couple of years ago, and I've just written a paper for the bi-annual conference for the academic DSS community, IFIP Working Group 8.3.
The paper is currently under review, so I won't post it here yet (I'll put up a link when it's gone through that process), but I thought I'd put the basic argument out there for people to comment on, since it's all still conceptual at this stage.
IT governance is an important topic - on the one hand corporate governance is a big thing; and on the other, we've got Nicholas Carr telling us that IT is not a strategic advantage for organisations. The IT industry needs to ensure that we're managing an important corporate resource effectively.
As a significant chunk of the IT industry DSS (ie. BI) is all a part of IT governance. Unfortunately, there's not a lot of academic work that talks about how to do this effectively for DSS (there's a bit on data warehousing, but that's it).
The argument I make in the paper is based on the idea that DSS is different to other kinds of IT in two ways:
- DSS are chaotic systems. They evolve. They can and should evolve quickly. If they don't evolve, then there's something wrong: learning isn't taking place, and the system isn't doing what it's supposed to: provide support with semi- or un-structured decision-making. Sure, evolutionary development is used to build all kinds of systems, but there is usually some end-point in mind where the system becomes stable (relatively). This isn't the case for DSS.
- DSS are subversive systems. They're designed to deal with strategic decisions (a corollary of being built for semi- and un-structured decisions). Their use deliberately changes some aspect of an organisation's structure (not the physical structure, but the organisation's strategic direction, policies, values, procedures, work-flows, etc.). Other systems may have this effect too, but often it's not deliberate. With DSS it's intentional - part of it's raison d'etre.
IT governance is largely about how to control IT resources, enforce standards, and manage changes in a methodical fashion. It's based on a mindset of stability and prediction. Although there's been a lot written on IT governance (check out Weill & Ross's excellent book on IT governance), and a lot of it focuses on the appropriate approach for given organisational types (eg. centralised versus decentralised management cultures), there's nothing I've seen that actually takes characteristics of the technology into account. My assertion in the paper is that the underlying assumptions of a given governance approach should be consistent with the underlying assumptions embedded in the technology being governed.
Bureaucratic approaches that are appropriate for managing technologies like transaction-processing systems - steering committees, IT councils, service level agreements, etc - are inappropriate for chaotic systems. Enforcement of an organisational structure on the operation of a technology is inappropriate for a technology designed to question and change that same structure. Excessive control can (and has, we've seen it) stifle and eventually kill a DSS project.
The conclusion that I come to is that for DSS to thrive, the developers and users need the autonomy to play around with the system's design and functionality without going through multiple layers of bureaucracy. DSS should operate, therefore, in a kind of 'governance sandbox', where the DSS team are trusted to do the right thing as they see it. This kind of approach needs some clear boundaries however, including clear goals and objectives, and what constitutes overstepping the mark. This in turn requires a pre-existing, well planned general IT governance strategy.
Anyway, those are my current thoughts. Feel free to shoot through any comments. A couple of issues spring to mind, such as how do different kinds of DSS technologies differ in their governance requirements - eg. data warehouses versus dashboards versus small-scale throwaway spreadsheets. What specific mechanisms work for DSS governance inside the 'sandbox'? How much scope should DSS developers and users have? All food for future research...
Really good thoughts. I am glad to see academic work going on related to this topic.
There is something squishy about this topic that I can't put my finger on. I am a business user and owner of a DSS system. I want my team to be able to have great flexibility to tweek and change the system, but there will come a time when I have a substantial amount of automated "stuff" hanging off of my DSS and the user team is large. At that point I will have to get some sort of more formal user control. We aren't reporting financial results, but the system is used for *explaining* financial results. I think for my purposes, number and dispersion of users is going to drive my control strategy.
Hi JD,
Interesting comment. It's not unusual to see DSS migrate to become mission-critical apps in the way you describe - other applications 'plug-in' or otherwise depend on the data there. Maybe the idea of 'forking' the project is a good one here - where you lock down a 'version' of the DSS that becomes infrastructure to feed the other apps, while you maintain a live DSS that continues to evolve according to your needs and purposes. The 'forked' version moves under other IT governance strategies to ensure reliability, etc.
Thanks for posting!
Rob, is the podcast of Peter O'Donnell's Monash BI class still available? I listened to the whole class a few months ago and found it helpful. I would like to refer a colleague to d/l and listen but I can no longer find the feed.
Hi JD,
POD says it is. It's listed in the iTunes Store (under podcasts, obviously), but if you want a specifc url for the feed, it's:
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