Sunday, May 31, 2009

Light at the end of the tunnel

Rob and I and co. bloggers have been more than a little quiet as - despite our best intentions - we got run over by our teaching work load in semester 1. Semester 1 is about to end so we'll get back to some BI blogging very soon.

Worth mentioning that we'll also be starting a BI podcast (not the same as the ones we have for our units). This will feature interviews with BI "thinkers" from Melbourne and around the world, as well as the occasional talk from members of the Centre. We will start with a couple of talks from me - the first will be a "briefing" on the decision support industry I gave to Prof. Arnott's FIT5094 class a fortnight ago, and my closing keynote at the Mastering Business Objects conference in Sydney last week. We hope to have a new posting in the podcast stream every two weeks. If you have any ideas about people you'd like to interview, or topics you'd like us to cover, please let us know.